Sunday, March 31, 2013

Chef to School Program

The Screaming Avocado Chef to School Program kicked off with great success on Monday March 25th.  The Program pairs local restaurants with elementary schools where the chefs connect kids to fresh ingredients and teach them simple cooking skills.  The 'kitchen in a box' created by the Screaming Avocado gang includes all equipment and utensils required to run cooking classes in any location.

In the morning Liz Mountain, food skills co-ordinator at the Local Community Food Centre visited Romeo Public School teaching the students how to prepare breakfast burritos. 

In the afternoon session Pazzo Taverna and Pizzeria Chef Gilad Rozenberg worked with Students at Hamlet Public School preparing pizza from scratch.  Pazzo co-owner Larry McCabe who joined Gilad added, "The idea is to show kids how to take basic ingredients and make a meal rather than open a package and stick it in the oven."

Gilad and students and Hamlet Public School

The classes will continue through the remainder of the school year.  Our goal is to have every elementary school connected to a restaurant.  Check out the Beacon Herald article on the Chef to School Program - Chef to School programs pairs restaurants, elementary schools

1 comment:

  1. This is so good to see that Chefs are visiting the different schools and learning kids the beginners cooking tips. I can see in the picture that how kids are learning the cooking and they are excited also.
